Collaborate with other fellow meme traders to analyze the new formats on the block, and use the pinned bot (MIB) to actually invest in posts To get started, see the pinned mod post NOTE this is not a dumping ground for normal memes, please post new templates, or ask for opinions on old templates in template form onlyThe thing about mothers, I want to say, is that once the containment ends and one becomes two, you don't always fit together so nicely The living motherdaughter relationship, you learn over and over again, is a constant choice between adaptation and acceptanceA human being, this I know, for the EMBRYOLOGY TEXTBOOK tells me so ABORTION because denying personhood to an entire class of human beings advances human rights ABORTION because no one has the right to tell me what to do with my own baby's body ABORTION because the WILL TO POWER is all that matters
Baby Memes Funny Images For First Time Moms Digital Mom Blog
Mom i want this one meme